Nicholas Briggs, Northeastern University Ph.D. Candidate, presented on the capstone concrete-filled steel deck floor diaphragm testing in the main track at the 2023 North American Steel Construction Conference in Charlotte, NC on 12 April 2023. The 1 hour presentation was provided to a full room to to share the impactful results of the full-scale diaphragm testing that the team conducted.
This session provided a brief overview of the SDII program and summarized the results from the full-scale experimental concrete-filled steel deck diaphragm specimen. This specimen included interior steel floor framing and a lightweight concrete diaphragm designed and detailed to reflect typical construction practices in the United States. The results of this specimen provide insights into the performance and design of composite diaphragms subjected to cyclic loading. In this presentation, the hysteretic response of this indeterminant specimen is compared to a companion cantilever diaphragm specimen tested at Virgina Tech in one of the many SDII test series. Cantilever diaphragm tests comprise the experimental basis of this steel diaphragm system and inform the computational models which expand the understanding of this structural system. This full diaphragm specimen provides an important link between cantilever specimen performance and full building behavior.
The complete talk will be available at in the near future.